I thought Barry hated makeoutmakeoutmakeoutmakeoutmakeoutmakeouts. Why is he donating money to makeoutmakeoutmakeoutmakeoutmakeoutmakeouts?
Maybe he is too stupid to know that Haitians are makeoutmakeoutmakeoutmakeoutmakeoutmakeouts?
Do you really think he knows where the money is going to? Or do you think that this is to:
1. Get more suckers to fork over $99.99?
2. Clear up public relations? Barry actually understands that thousands of people are dead and that those people are black. Secretely he is doing a happy dance that all of these makeoutmakeoutmakeoutmakeoutmakeoutmakeouts are dead, but he is pissed that he will give ten percent to them.
All at the same time making him look like he gives a fuck.